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False Friends?

Do you know false friends?

I hope you don't know False Friends in your real life. The only False Friends you need to know are the following, pay special attention.

English and Spanish have several similar words. For example: music, television, creative, computer, intelligent, history, car, tiger, university, bank, and others. They have the same meaning in Spanish and English: música, televisión, creativo, computador, inteligente, historia, carro, tigre, universidad y banco. It is easy to remember those words. Do you know other words with similar writing and meaning?

On the other hand, there are words that are called "False Friends". These words look similar in English and Spanish, but they have different meaning.

For example: exit, fabric, rope, success, actual, dormitory, embarrassed, lecture, parade, support, and others.

Be careful when you are reading. False friends can get you out of control during the process. That's why it is important for you to know the meaning. Reading is a good way to acquire more vocabulary.

I invite you to find more false friends, they could help you, especially in reading comprehension.


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