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Pronunciation of regular verbs in past

Having problems with the pronunciation of regular verbs in past?

Actually, it is very easy to remember the correct pronunciation of these verbs.

Case #1: when a regular verb finishes in sounds /d/ or /t/ the pronunciation of the verb finishes in /Id/ sound.


start /start/ - started /startId/

decide /dIsId/ - decided /dIsIdId/

Case #2: when a regular verb finishes in sounds that cause vibration in your throat, the pronunciation finishes in /d/ sound.


answer /ansar/ - answered /ansard/

play /pleI/ - played /pleId/

Case #3: when a regular verb finishes in sounds that do not cause vibration in your throat, the pronunciation finishes in /t/ sound.


talk /tok/ - talked /takt/

dance /dans/ - danced /danst/

Practice the pronunciation:

I went to a party yesterday. It started at 6:00 p.m. I danced a lot with some of my friends, it was cool. During the night, we played different games, we had fun. At 11:30 p.m., I decided to go home because I was so tired and sleepy. When I arrived home, I realized that I lost the keys, that was awful. :(

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